Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Pet Turkey

I have an Ugly turkey living on my front porch!

 Its name is Lazaro (Lazareth) because he died and came back to life once! 

We had another super hot week this week. The sun here in Mexico City is not like the sun in Oregon. Here, the sun hurts when it touches your skin and burns deeply! Sometimes I feel like a roasting chicken.

We also had a lot more success this week in our area. We found a lot of new investigators and we are actually going to baptize this weekend. We found 2 magic investigators that have been to church quite a few times already. They came up to US and asked to be baptized! We had quite a few investigators in church for the first time and hopefully this week they will commit to be baptized.

On Sunday in testimony meeting an old lady stood up to give her testimony about the living prophet. She also told the congregation that her son had heard the Prophet said that in this month there will be a large natural disaster in Mexico! It was one of those moments when you want to cover your investigator's ears. Then the closing prayer was given by a man who prayed asking God not to let Donald Trump win the U.S. Presidential election! Everyone here hates that guy because he is racist against the Mexicans. Pretty funny.

Pues creo que es todo por el dia de hoy pero les amo a todos y nos vemos pronto!

 Elder Shumway

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