Monday, April 11, 2016

A transfer!

 My new area is pretty awesome; there are a lot of people in the streets, the ward is great and has an extension that is going to be approved as a branch this month but for now it is still just a group that meets in a house on Sundays in a small town near the mountains.

 However the weekend before my comp and I got here the other Elders baptized 7 people and now have left us with zero investigators. Opening or white washing an area means that we don't know anybody, so we did a lot of walking this week and it has been SUPER hot here for the last two weeks. My nose is sooo sunburnt that it is bright red like rudolph and I can peel skin off of it every day. I wouldn't be suprized if I got skin cancer on my nose one of these days. Today we went to the temple as a zone, but because it is super far away it almost took up the entire day. It was well worth it. I did initiatories and a session for the great grandparent of my comp.

My comp is a funny guy. Of the 3 Chileans that have served in my mission, all three of them have been my companions so I think that someday I will have to go visit Chile. My comp is 25 years old because he finished his college studies and is a professional doctor that specializes in pregnancy and baby birthing. It is very interesting to talk to him about his career, and he talks with every pregnant woman that we see in the streets. He is very mature but a little awkward too. Hopefully together we can have a lot of success. 

I am going to work extra hard in the next few weeks to see if we can baptize the investigators we find before I have changes again!! 

Thanks mom for all you and the family do for Miss Daisy and Let her know that I will see her soon!

 Gracias Elder Shumway

I made tamales from scratch! (Then ate them! From whole corn to my belly!)

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