Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Zone leader Trio

 The visit of the Pope in February actually wasn't a very big deal. In the mission council a few weeks ago we talked about how it might be dangerous and that we shouldn't leave the house, but when he showed up it was all normal. We worked normally and everyone was watching him on the TV, but we never saw him. 

The funniest part is that he just came to pick up all of the money (Diezmos) that the Mexicans have saved up, and he took it all back to Rome! The people where actually pretty angry with him. 

We are still working hard in our area but we are not having very much success. Every week we set baptismal dates with four or five investigators but they always fall because they don't come to church!!!! Our services here are at 8:00 AM, and when it is cold nobody wants to get out of bed, even if we pass by for them in a car! However we have had success with references from the members and we just had an awesome ward missionary activity that we pulled off.

I have two companions, Elder Lopez and Elder Fernandez and they are from Xalapa, Veracruz where Grandpa Shumway lives. One of them is going home soon and he wants to visit Grandpa. My other comp received a picture of his Dad at Stake Conference, standing next to Grandpa Shumway! 

 We took advantage of the fact that we were in a trio and we did divisions every day this week. It was awesome because we did intercambios with every companionship in the zone! I had to sleep on the floor for a lot of days, but it was worth it!

 I love you all and I always think of you. Love Elder Shumway ♥

(Samuel Fernandez with Grandpa Shumway and Abuela on their ranch!!!)

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