The secret to enjoying a mission is just loving the people you serve and everything they do!
This week was the best week we have had in this new zone ever since we got here. In our area we had 7 investigators go to church and a ton of less active families that we are also visiting. We have 5 great investigators that are progressing very well towards their baptismal dates and this week we are going to add more.
The zone is now doing a great job baptizing, finding and committing the people to repent. We asked special permission from the President to hold our zone conference today at a church camp that is on the border of the State of Puebla called the Guarda. It is like an Esther Applegate camp. We went as a zone in a big bus in the morning, played sports all day, had a BBQ and then the Meeting. It was great! The Elders are happy and excited to keep working this week. We are working hard and are finally seeing all of the blessings from our effort!!!! However the spirit does the converting!
Les amo mucho y cuidense. Elder Shumway
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