Sunday, January 24, 2016

Animals at Church?

        Well this week has been very difficult here in my new area and zone. It has been super cold and rainy all week and it even snowed in the mountains here in Ixtapaluca! (I only brought two jackets on my mission, and I loaned them to two different elders while we where on divisions in my old zone.  Now after all these transfer, who knows where they are at?

        We spent the entire week walking in the street, contacting people and looking for less actives on the list, trying to find someone to teach. We did a ton of walking and very little teaching. There were some days when I honestly didn't want to leave the house because we had no plans for the day and it was raining! But we worked hard and have a tiny bit of hope for 2 or 3 investigators. 
        In sacrament meeting while I was preparing the bread for Sacrament, a medium sized black dog ran through my legs! There was a dog in sacrament meeting! The funniest part is that the members didn't even worry about it, it was normal! We confirmed a little girl that was baptized a few weeks ago, then I gave a talk and they still hadn't taken the dog out! Apparently it belongs to one of the members and sometimes it follows then to church and just doesn't go away. It is funny the stuff I experience here in Mexico. 
        Another funny thing that happened one day while my comp and I were wandering around in the streets looking for less actives in the list is that we were super tired and thirsty so we stopped by one of the million little stores that are on every block to buy a juice or something, but all they sold was Coca Cola! I love Mexican Coke but we do drink a lot of it and I wanted something else. However, all they had were 3 refrigerators with different sized cokes: some in glass bottles, others in cans or in plastic bottles and of every size you can imagine! (That explains Mexico well.) So I bought a coke.

These two Volcanoes are on the border of the state of Mexico and the State of Puebla. The one on the left is named, Iztaccihuatl and the one on the right is Popocatepetl. There is a cool ancient Aztec story behind these two volcanoes. The name of the volcano on the left means "sleeping woman" because it looks like a lady is lying down on top of the mountain with her head on the left and her feet on the right hand side. Popocatepetl means "smoking mountain" and it is the most active volcano in Mexico. Pretty cool.

 Thank you for your thoughts and prayers because I really need them right now to help us find investigators.

 I love you.

 Elder Shumway  

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