Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Working Hard

Today (Febrarary 2nd)  is the day of the Catholics' baby God, as well as Grandpa Clark's Birthday.

Last Monday when we left the internet cafe where we were writing emails, they were setting up a boxing rink in the middle of one of the busy streets. Later that night there was a real fighter like in Nacho Libre! I was cracking up! We passed by during the event, but I didn't take any photos. 

My companion tried cooking eggs this week but he has never done it before in his life! I taught him how to crack an egg and chop onions. (I was laughing inside the whole time). 

We are working hard and the Spanish is getting better. I hope all is well at home. What are the little girls up to? Tell them to write me and have Madi tell me about school. Thanks mom. I love you. Elder Shumway

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