Monday, August 1, 2016

A Busy Week

 Well I have had some of the bustiest weeks of my mission these past few weeks. However all this week the President is in the hospital with his wife and the señior couple that worked the offices in the mission are in California so my comp and I are holding down the fort here in the offices today, which means I have a lot of down time right now. 

This week my companion and I did not have very many work days in our area because of some departing Elders we had to take to the airport. We also went with all of the Elders who arrived with me in the mission to a buffet with the president after going to the temple as a little going away party. That was pretty cool. So even though we did not work in our area very much this week we still had a great week with a lot of new investigators and people coming to church too. We had a lot of miracles happen and I am really feeling good about the investigators that we have right now. I hope all is well at home and have a great week.

 Elder Shumway

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