Monday, September 14, 2015

New Area

Well my new area is small (I'm back in the crowded city)... but the ward is great. The Elders quorum is made up of pure solid returned missionaries and the classes are actually super interesting and full of stories from their missions. Like all wards, there are problems, but this is the strongest ward I have served in so far. It is also the first ward that has someone who can play the piano for sacrament meeting!
I am the district leader of a companionship of Elders and of two companionships of Sisters, which is different but fun. The two senior sisters are also the sister training leaders for the mission and right now they are training two new sisters from the states who are still learning Spanish.
In my house I have been showering with cold water for the past two weeks because my comp said that his trainer told him the boiler doesn’t work. But I hate taking showers in cold water so I bought a little wrench and fixed the boiler and also bought gas...but now I don’t have money. However I can now shower with hot water!
We have also have a big problem of bed bugs in our house. The members say that the Elders have had bed bugs for almost a year now, even though they have gotten new mattresses and changed apartments, they haven’t been able to get rid of them. I am going to keep trying to kill them because they are eating me alive!!!!!
Right now we are teaching a lot of little kids that are from a member family, but we have also had quite a bit of luck in contacting people at home or on the street. We are teaching a few mas o menos investigadores right now. But the work is progressing and we are having a pretty good time still.
My first day in this new area we went to go visit a recent convert in his home. Two of the little boys that live in their house when they saw me they said, "WOW are you for real?" they just kept staring at saw me and looking at my white skin and touching my arms. It was pretty funny!

The food here is also a lot better than the food in texcoco. Here they eat more enchiladas and chilaquiles and all of the best mexican food! However, the other day someone made me eat a salsa of larva,.... it wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t good either.

Yesterday we rededicated the temple in Mexico City with Elders Eyring and Holland. It was a very spiritual experience. The cultural event on Saturday was pretty cool and to top it off we are reading the Book of Mormon as a mission! I have actually seen a lot of changes in the Elders and in the lessons as a result.

Elder Shumway

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