Tuesday, March 17, 2015

1st Transfer

I just found out last night that I have transfers tomorrow morning so I packed my bags and sadly,  the trio will come to an end tomorrow. The people here have become my little Mexican family. In my little branch here we didn't have very much success but I do have one convert who is super strong and her family is also starting to show interest in the church. Her name is Veronica and she just got baptized last month but yesterday in church she signed up to feed the missionaries this week. I will miss it here.  

After 6 months of hard work, this area is just starting to progress. We set 9 baptismal dates in the last 2 weeks and the investigadores are muy potentes, (i don't know what potente is in english so you will have to google translate it - potente is powerful or strong) It is a little sad to leave the converts and investigators that you come to love, but the Lord needs me in another part of the mission right now.

Meet the Mormons just came out in Spanish. We gathered at a Zone Conference to watch it. It's a pretty good movie!

Enjoy the fresh air and green mountains for me.

Love Elder Shumway


p.s. the photo is of us cooking a type of taco called carnitas or tacos of every part of the pig that you can imagine. It kinda looks like garbage in the picture but it all tastes pretty good.... except for the pig ear, pig skin and nipples. But the nose is absolutely the worst part! One day I’ll cook carnitas for thanksgiving so you can try it. :)

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