Monday, March 14, 2016

Quick Switch

We had a tough week this week, cold  & rainy with very few people that let us into their homes all week! However it all payed off with a baptism on Saturday and a successful Sunday! (Sunday is like game day in the mission; everything we do during the week is so the investigators and less actives can keep the Sabbath day holy and receive revelation through church assistance.) The baptism was very spiritual.

 Some funny things that happened this week. I was assigned a home teaching companion in the Elders Quorum and a list of families to visit. So I am an official part of the Izcalli ward. Then the ward mission leader showed up to the baptism in just a white polo. The first counselor told him that he had to have a white shirt and tie so he could direct the baptism. So the mission leader asked me to lend him mine.

 It is probably against the rules but we switched shirts. This hermano is not the strongest member, so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do so that he doesn't get offended and become inactivate.

 I am enjoying my time here in this ward. The area is very tough and we spend a LOT of time walking around all week but I feel like we are helping the ward wake up in missionary work. We are helping direct ward councils, missionary Sundays and ward activities. 

All is well here in Mexico and have a great week where ever you are! Love Elder Shumway

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