Monday, May 11, 2015


The Elders from my district did 50 contacts, so we went and had desayuno. We are eating pastes.

We spend a LOT of time on buses, or combis (vans), so I try to take advantage of the siesta time.
(One time I woke up to find that I was leaning on a girl!)

Today we went up in the mountains with one of our investigators to see some lakes. The sun is incredibly strong here because the elevation is at 8,000 feet, so I sun burn a lot! I am now the tall RED guy!

Something else amazing is that in all of the fields they plow to plant corn & other crops in, you can walk and in 5 minutes easily find some sort of Aztec ruin! Every time the farmers go over the field with their tractor they stir up broken pots and figures from the Aztecs! That makes farming pretty sweet! I also found some cool stuff in the fields that I will bring home.

This new house that I live in is infested with cockroaches and a bunch of other weird bugs that I have never seen. The cockroaches come out in the dark so every night we kill a bunch.

In this new area, it isn’t uncommon to be walking down the street and run into a herd of cows or sheep. I like those times because it always makes things fun.

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